Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Fushimi-inari shrine(伏見稲荷大社, ふしみいなりたいしゃ)

When I got off a train at Fusmimi-inari station(伏見稲荷駅, ふしみいなりえき), they welcomed me. 

As you see, they are white foxes and that poll's orange color is just the color on a shrine gateway.

This fox was biting a scroll. In front of a big shrine there are two foxes and it was left one. 

In the photo there are hundreds of shrine gateways. In the shrine you will see more than 1000 of gateways. It was amazing. You may feel that you are in a unreal world.

Wow!! The fork on the road also has gateways. Amazing...

How many gateways are in the shrine? I guess more than 3000, but I could never count it.
You spend about 2 hours when you reach the deepest part of the shrine.

Enjoy the thousands of orange gateways!!

The backpackers hostel in Kyoto is located in its historical district, Gion.
Good access by buses and trains. The center of Kyoto.
Please contact us, if you want to book our hostel.

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